When Ordering A Demographic Profile...
www.mapquest.com is a resource we commonly use to identify details for unusual study area requests. If you are requesting a study based on a street intersection, you may want to check it here to make sure we both "get on the same page."
www.juggling.org/bin/un.cgi/map-find is helpful for situations where no address exists, like a new or potential church property site. Nine map layers allow you to determine the latitude & longitude for any location you can point to through successive magnifications.
http://www.ethnicharvest.org/bibles/ is a wonderful source if you are witnessing to someone who needs to read scripture in their native language. Many links are to online Bibles as well as sources for purchase. Listings are by language as well as by country.
Church Health...
www.census.gov is the mother lode of census data. Also, check frequently for the news releases--lots of interesting reports with unusual data that may offer insights to discerning pastors &outreach ministers.
www.fedstats.gov provides demographic data broken down by counties, districts, and other political boundaries. It also offers links to data from over 100 Federal agencies, including statistics on crime, economics, education and health. Very helpful starting point for church planters or those new to an area.
www.census.gov/sdc/www is the Census Bureau's State Data Center. In addition to data, it "...also provide[s] training and technical assistance in accessing and using Census Bureau data for research, administration, planning and decision making..."